Open Innovation Circularity – Fall 2023
22. september 2023 - 28. september 2023
This Fall 2023, DTU Skylab, CSE at Copenhagen Business School and Actory at the University of Copenhagen join forces to co-host an open innovation challenge in collaboration with industry partners to contribute towards sustainable change and action.
Open Innovation CIRCULARITY consists of an innovation challenge weekend + finals (Sept 22. – 24. and Sep 28.), where together, students across institutions and disciplines, develop circular solutions in systems with an aim to rethink our creation, usage and disposal of products & services.
As a student, you can choose between 3 challenges within food, health manufacturing, design & retail, and urban systems.
Based on your interest & profile, you will be put in a team so you are guaranteed to meet students outside of your education institution. (It is possible to sign up with an existing team, more details in signup form.)