Actory Talks
7. december 2021 @ 18:30 - 20:00
Join us for the last round of Actory Talks in 2021!
This time we’ll focus on sustainability issues in the textile industry. We will have 2 speakers.
Tina Winberg is the project manager at Copenhagen Circular, a special solutions lab established by the City of Copenhagen to tackle issues with waste management.
Tina is currently working with textile waste, promoting sustainable solutions and ideas to reduce textile waste. She is working on the implementation of a more circular approach, with better reusing and recycling schemes. She is also the representative of the City of Copenhagen in Eurocities’ textile taskforce.
We are also looking forward to meet 2 representatives from the think-tank Tekstilrevolutionen.
Tekstilrevolutionen is a textile policy think tank that works for a textile industry with a positive imprint on the world and the people who inhabit it. In order to solve the textile industry’s major problems, we need database solutions and independent knowledge, which they create for the following target groups: companies, authorities and politicians & consumers. They will give a more general introduction to waste management and textile – the exact content is TBA.
18.00: Doors open
18.30: TekstilRevolutionen
19.00: Break and Questions
19.15: Copenhagen Circular
19.45: Questions
20.00: End
As always, we will have a signature drink – and because Christmas is approaching it will be Glögg.
Glögg – 40 DKK – Get 2 for 70DKK
Or choose our ‘Upcycled Glögg’ (Extra Strong) – 50 DKK