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Pubquiz Actory X Verdensmålsambassadørerne
18. oktober 2023 @ 20:00 - 21:30
Pubquiz with The Sustainable Development Goals Ambassadors and Actory Cooks.
Actory Cooks and the SDG Ambassadors invite you to join a “hyggelig” quiz about the SDG’s and food. Challenge yourself or team up with your friends – everyone is welcome!
Actory Cooks and the SDG Ambassadors invite you to join a “hyggelig” quiz about the SDG’s and food. Challenge yourself or team up with your friends – everyone is welcome!
If you are a student it is possible to enjoy a delicious vegetarian/vegan meal from Actory Cooks prior to the quiz – it only costs 30 kr.
It’s free to join. The quiz starts at 20 in the cafe and there are prizes at stake!