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Join us for the next STIMULUS event, April 24th!
”Towards a Climate-Neutral Denmark: Strategies for Achieving Sustainability”
How can Denmark achieve climate neutrality, and what role does carbon offsetting play in the bigger picture? Join us for a thought-provoking STIMULUS workshop that explores Denmark’s path to becoming climate neutral. This event will bring together experts from diverse sectors to discuss strategies and real-world examples of climate action.
Kirstine Lund Christiansen will kick off the workshop by delving into carbon offsetting as one key strategy for achieving sustainability. We will also hear from Ørsted or Carlsberg, who will share their approaches to making their operations climate-neutral. Finally, a representative from the Danish Council of Climate Change will outline Denmark’s national climate strategy, including the country’s ambitious goals and the policies driving the transition to a greener future.
This event is an opportunity to learn about Denmark’s climate ambitions, gain insights into corporate sustainability practices, and discover how we can all contribute to a climate-neutral future.
Participation is free of charge. Sign up is required:

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