Workshop at Ungdomsøen
12. June 2021 @ 11:00 - 17:45
Actory is collaborating with Grøn Ø on this workshop day, which takes place on Ungdomsøen.
Grøn Ø
The Grøn Ø initiative has designed a green island pact, which describes Ungdomsøen’s ambition and promises within sustainability, climate and nature. The purpose is clear: Collect and share knowledge about how Ungdomsøen can become a frontrunner in a climate-friendly and sustainable direction.
The idea for Grøn Ø comes from a group of committed young people who want to transform Ungdomsøen into a green island, and you are invited to join!
For whom?
Do you want a greater understanding of and influence on the green transition? At this workshop you will get essential knowledge and discussion in the field. In addition, there is the possibility of concrete action and sparring afterwards.
Put on your work clothes and come to Ungdomsøen on Saturday 12 June. Use the day to get inspiration to make a significant green impression on both Ungdomsøen and society.
More specifically, we will look more closely at how we can make Ungdomsøen’s consumption of food more sustainable, and there will be a focus on how we from Ungdomsøen’s platform can reach out to society with knowledge and encouragement in the area. Only your imagination sets the limits!
You will experience this on the day…
The workshop will be kicked off with lectures on one of the three topics: Lifestyle, activism or food given by the Green Student Movement, the Textile Revolution and Actory, respectively.
Actory, the Green Student Movement and the Textile Revolution will then each facilitate a lively and activating workshop regarding one of the three themes, where the acquired knowledge from the lectures is treated and used on the basis of your ideas.
The day ends with creating a community of action across the themes to help the ideas move from idea to practice.
Nb. The lectures and workshops are in Danish.