Actory Talks
15. October 2021 @ 16:30 - 18:30
Actory Talks
Green Topics & Cold Drinks
‘Urban Farming’
At this event, we meet Mads Boserup Lauritsen from the organization Tag Tomat, who works to create sustainable cities, where communities sprout around urban gardens, and the city’s residual materials get upcycled and get new life with a circular aesthetic.
TagTomat is a good mix of consulting company and store, which with a wide range of strong green disciplines is always fresh on developing new projects and products. Read much more about them here.
The days other guest is Rebecca Leigh Rutt, assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen, within the Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), Section for Environment and Natural Resources. Rebecca’s research, teaching, and praxis are inspired by struggles for food justice and sovereignty and the feminist degrowth movement.
Amongst other research projects, Rebecca is currently engaging with The European Forum on Urban Agriculture (EFUA), a 4 year project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Starting in 2020, EUFA’s aim is to unlock Urban Agriculture’s potential through research, mapping and networking. You can learn more about EFUA here: https://efua.eu/
She is also part of the KU Urban Farming research network and is a dedicated urban gardener herself.