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ARCTIC FRONTIERS ❄ Join the next STIMULUS student workshop!

Governance is key to empower sustainable development, but how does it work?

On 10 October, we will be looking at the Arctic region as a case for exploring how governance might act as a powerful instrument for furthering sustainable development in the Arctic region – and elsewhere 🌏

STIMULUS is a collaboration with Sustainability Science Center.

Meet experts on the field with CLIMA – Centre for Climate Change Law and Governance, Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, in collaboration in this STIMULUS student workshop:

👋 Get insight into the field with Associate Professor Beatriz Martinez Romera, PhD Fellow Ana Stella Ebbersmeyer, and Professor Katherine Richardson
✅ Free admission (but sign-up is necessary)
🥪 Free vegetarian meal included

Read more about the program and the presenters, and sign up here
Arctic Frontiers: Empowering Sustainable Development through Governance – University of Copenhagen (ku.dk)

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