Students’ eating habits
If you are interested in working on this topic please contact us at
What is the topic about?
A more climate-friendly food culture at Copenhagen dormitories
Through a focus on climate-friendly food culture, one can disseminate knowledge about the different climate impacts of food and present students to a climate-friendly practice in the kitchen. This could be done by planning events at your own dormitory or agreeing to visit some dormitories. The event can both be set up as an informative communal dining, or as a presentation.
What is the motivation for the suggestion?
By working with this area, you have the opportunity to gain insight into the climate impact of food, land consumption and the impact of transportation on greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time you get practice in event planning, gathering knowledge and dissemination.
How does the suggestion relate to the sustainability challenges?
It is obvious to relate the project to greenhouse gas emissions and the contribution of the agricultural and transport sector, and how different choices have different impacts. However, the suggestion is very flexible and focus can possibly also include land use and nutrient loss to aquatic systems.
Material for inspiration
Unfortunally it’s in danish, but you can look at
Unilever Food Solutions has a CO2-calculator for meals – find it here.
Concito has a report called Klimavenlige madvaner – find it here.
And a new database on foods CO2 discharge – Den store Klimadatabase.