Actory Talks #1
25. May 2021 @ 16:30 - 18:30
| Free…about circular consumption & Repair Café
with Henrik Jochumsen & Elisavet Angouria-Tsorochidou
Circular consumption
Henrik Jochumsen is associate professor, Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen. He has done research in the development of cultural institutions including not least the public library as a public sphere and a platform for democracy, sustainability and social coherence in late-modern society.
In his speech Henrik Jochumsen will introduce to the current development of the public library with a special focus on how the library can contribute to sustainability, circular consume and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Repair Café
Elisavet Angouria-Tsorochidou is a Ph.D. Fellow at the Department of Environmental Science of Aarhus University. She has been working with interdisciplinary sustainability assessment of waste management systems and practices, including reuse, refurbish, and recycle. She is a board member of Repair Cafe Denmark and a member of Repair Cafe Kbh.
In her talk, she will introduce the concept and values behind Repair Cafe and its contribution to circular economy and sustainability through reduced waste and change of consumption patterns. The presentation will focus on how community empowerment and repairs can support environmental and social development.
The event will be held in English.
If the weather allows it the talk will be held outside in the beautiful courtyard at Studenterhuset. In case of rain the event will be moved indoors – note that at valid Coronapas is required.
UPDATE: The weather foracast shows rain – so we’ll move the event inside. Remember a valid Coronapas. You can get a quick test for free just around the corner at Frue Plads 2, 1168 København K. Open all days from 7-22. No reservation, just show up.
The event is for free and everyone is welcome. For practical reasons we want you to sign up beforehand. Sign up here.